Janne van der Loop MA

Codicologist &  book historian 

PhD-Project: Navigating through text. 

In my PhD-project Navigating through text. On reading practices and the evolution of textual articulation and navigational aids in Justinian's Institutiones, I am studying the development of mise-en-page throughout the 6th to the 16th century and the way this text was read. 
(Image: Bamberg SB: Ms. Jur. 1)


Most recent publications:

 ‘Orientierungshilfen für Juristen: Initialen, Kolumnentitel und Rubriken.’, in Des Kaisers neue Bücher. Mittelalterlichen Handschriften der Bamberger Kaiser-Heinrich-Bibliothek in 50 Porträts. (Reichert Verlag, 2024), pp. 134–35

‘Spätantikes Kaiserrecht im mittelalterlichen Bamberg: Die älteste vollständige Abschrift der “Institutiones”.’, in Des Kaisers neue Bücher. Mittelalterlichen Handschriften der Bamberger Kaiser-Heinrich-Bibliothek in 50 Porträts. (Reichert Verlag, 2024), pp. 132–33


Praxeology: From theory to a method for historical and longue durée studies. Invitation by the Institute of Czech Literature of the CAS. 09.09.2024. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zadV40MaY3s

Curriculum Vitae



IAPR Best poster award 2023 for Combining OCR Models for Reading Early Modern Books.